Thursday, January 29, 2009

PROMISES...& Blathering On...

Quick Post!
I know I promised to put up those Literary Links, etc. Sorry...Will do eventually...

I DID mange to start up the Recovery Nation Group at Junky's Wive's Club! As per usual, I'm probably trying to DO way too much.
I also sort of agreed to begin teaching 2 - 3 new classes at our home school group's Thurs. School for next year (Shakespeare--YAY!, World History, & a Creative Writing class...). Teaching will help off-set the costs of my daughter taking classes there, as it's pretty expensive (but wonderful).

I am still in the process of trying to find time to create a Writing Schedule for myself again...Sigh. Remember, I home school my special needs kiddo, which takes an INSANE amount of time & BLOOD.

I'm also trying to find another suitable writing group in my area. But, the teaching gig for the Thurs. School simply HAS to come I desperately need the money/compensation in order for my child to be able to take fabulous classes from other teachers that one day a week. Currently, Thursday is my DAY OFF from home schooling whilest Child attends classes all day there. THAT will change once I'm teaching.
I guess I can't have everything. But boy will I MISS my Day Off!

And, I can't HELP but to think of the Mental Energy & Time I'd have IF I wasn't dealing with this damn SEX ADDICTION crap for the past 2 + years...

I've NEVER been so exhausted, tired, and lacking of energy in my life! The iron pills aren't really making a difference either...I think my system is wiped out from CRYING every day... Yet, I've been a poor eater (not enough) and an even poorer exerciser! OY!

Must go pick up my SquirrelNutkin child...nevermind my HOUSE is an absolute WRECK! I got rather used to having a family friend clean my house every other week for the past several years...THAT had to go considering our financial situation...:(
I reeeeeaaaallllly miss it.

Hope to hear from some of ya soon in our RN Group!

1 comment:

Wait. What? said...

I like to call my house organized chaos when it gets really bad...but usually these days I make time on the weekends to creat order again so we can at least begin the week feeling well ready to go!